Stories from the past ten years of CIVITAS wanted

CIVITAS Initiative

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the CIVITAS Initiative. Take the opportunity to have your story featured at the anniversary event and CIVITAS Forum conference this year!

The CIVITAS story is not that of a single researcher or spokesman. It is the story of many cities, organisations, and especially persons who have put effort, knowledge and creativity into a common project that consists of many actions, events, challenges and innovative solutions. Most of these stories are only known to the insiders that actively participated and it’s such testimonies that Robert Stussi would like to share with the audience as chairman of the “10 years of CIVITAS - past, present & future” session at the CIVITAS 10 year anniversary event, and as moderator of the session titled “A Shift Toward Liveability: What has CIVITAS Plus Achieved?” at the upcoming Forum conference. Robert Stussi has been asked to convey the views of various individuals in his speech, to reflect on CIVITAS across European cities, at the same time illustrating what CIVITAS is about: an integrated approach to urban mobility consisting of policy and practical measures with a focus on innovation. Don’t miss this chance to have your story featured at these events, and send your input to rstussi[at] in one of the following formats: a story of ½ page plus some pictures or a Pecha Kucha presentation with text notes.

Author: Robert Stussi

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