Stakeholder consultation: Study on urban mobility - Preparation of EU guidelines on urban logistics

Stakeholder consultation: Study on urban mobility - Preparation of EU guidelines on urban logistics

This online consultation that is part of an European Commission (Directorate General for Mobility and Transport) mandated study on facilitating the preparation of European non-binding guidance documents (NBGD) on urban logistics.

The consortium responsible for this study is formed by Ecorys, University of Antwerp, University of Lisbon and Prof. Dablanc of IFFSTAR.

The aim of this questionnaire is to identify key urban logistics challenges and user expectations regarding the upcoming non-binding guidance documents.


The consultation is bound by confidentiality rules and anonymity is guaranteed. We expect that completing this questionnaire will take up to 15 minutes.

For more information regarding this questionnaire, the results and our study please contact the project coordinator: Jochen Maes of Ecorys (E-mail: Jochen [dot] Maes [at] ecorys [dot] com | T +31 (0)10 453 87 54).

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and willingness to help shape Europe’s future urban logistics policies


Go to questionnaire:

Author: Jochen Maes - Ecorys

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