Smart Trieste: Dynamic data and information for sustainable mobility
A new transport information platform in the Italian port city - created under CIVITAS PORTIS - will make it far easier for both residents and visitors to travel sustainably.
To support this participation process, a new transport information platform is being introduced to collect, manage and distribute data and information related to mobility and Trieste‘s transport system.
The platform’s development has involved different stakeholders, including the Public Works Department, the police force, and the tourism office in the local administration.
Within the city and beyond, Trieste Trasporti (the local public transport operator), the bike-sharing operator Bicincittà, and the regional government have been some of those involved. By integrating several data sources, the platform being tested can support mobility planners in Trieste. Through it, they have access to information crucial to their work, such as traffic data and studies. It also features a section dedicated to calls and projects related to the Old Port area. The platform is also of benefit for end users, be they residents or visitors to the city. Users can access the public transport timetable, whilst they can also find information on pedestrian areas, cycle paths, bike sharing stations, and parking spaces.
Eventually, the facility will serve as a smart mobility app/website that provides road users with real-time information on current and emergency road works or incidents and parking availability. Moreover, the platform will use real-time data in order to suggest the best journey solutions for users, thereby speeding up traffic and reducing congestion and air pollution in Trieste. An integrated feedback form allows users to comment on how they found the platform and to record any mobility behaviour change arising from using it. All data will be anonymously recorded and used to improve the user experience and get useful statistics about mobility behaviour in Trieste.
Over time, the platform will make help make sustainable modes the quickest and most convenient for all those travelling in Trieste.
Read more on the city’s other solutions in CIVITAS PORTIS. Authors: Paola Capon and Fabio Lamanna, Municipality of Trieste Image credit: Municipality of Trieste
Authors: Paola Capon, Fabio Lamanna