Smart ticketing for mobility in Europe - SITE Final conference Dublin, 13th June

CIVITAS Initiative

The SITE project, in which several CIVINET members have been involved, is holding his final conference on 13 June, in Dublin!

9 partners (local authorities, network operators, transport management authorities) from 6 different cities of the 5 countries of the Atlantic Area, have collaborated for 2 years and a half, to facilitate a seamless travel thanks to innovative ticketing solutions.

The project has developed and trialed solutions which allow travellers to have greater mobility through the use of intermodal and interoperable ticketing.

 The 6.5 millions euros of investment of all the partners in the SITE project is financed 65% by the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the INTERREG IV B Atlantic Area Programme.

The project has now reached its conclusion and provides an opportunity to share the learning and outcomes with a wide range of interest groups. Challenges of a more sustainable travel through smart ticketing in transports will be the main point under discussion in the conference, which will be of particular interest to Public Transportation operators, Policy Makers and most importantly users of Public Transport and mobility stakeholders. 

An exciting range of expert speakers will contribute to the Dublin Conference and the outcomes and future opportunities for more innovative and sustainable use of Public Transportation will be discussed and shared.

Provisional programme:

09:00 am :   Registration and coffee 

09:30 am :   Welcome introduction

09:45 am :   Why smart ticketing is key to meet European challenges of sustainable mobility?

10:30 am :   The success of the Leap Card scheme and how Ireland will build upon this success

11:15 am :   How smart ticketing facilitates the mobility of the transnational traveller? Which steps need to be achieved for a seamless transnational travel?

02:00 pm :   SITE and its interaction with other European  intelligent travel initiatives

03:45 pm :   The contribution of the SITE project towards a unique smart ticket in the Atlantic Area

04:30 pm :   Conclusion


Admission to the conference is free but registration has to be done at :




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