San Sebastian holds online quiz on sustainable mobility measures

CIVITAS Initiative

Did you know that the city of San Sebastian is organising an online contest about the impact of CIVITAS and sustainable mobility measures? The goal of the contest and the related campaign is to make citizens aware of the changes reached through the implementation of the CIVITAS measures. The answers to the test's six questions are being disseminated through radio, a regional newspaper, the Internet as well as posters and screens in city buses. The online test is incorporated in the new local website on sustainable mobility.

The campaign is based on short messages that are communicated through various media during a two-month period. The media used are: Spots on two regional radio stations; Banners on the online edition of the regional newspaper (; adverts in the printed version of Diario Vasco; And finally posters and spots on the DonostiaBus television screens in urban buses. The questions are easy to answer for people that have seen or heard the messages. The content of some of the “Did you know...” messages is: … that during the last three years, 27 km of new cycling lanes were realised in San Sebastian? … that in 2010, there were more than 29 million trips made on the urban buses of dBus? … that the EU supports sustainable mobility in San Sebastian through the CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES project? … that the EU recognises San Sebastian as a good practice example for sustainable mobility? … that one urban bus has a capacity of travellers that is equal to 100 private cars? Although these are not all messages, readers should now have a good chance to obtain a high score in the online test at: . There are many prizes, including a bicycle, so it is definitely worth a try. The campaign will run until June and a second round is foreseen for this autumn. Did you know that “Ba al dakizu” means “Did you know that” in the Basque language?

Author: Andres Martinez Aranburu



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