Road safety workshops for young and elderly people

Within CIVITAS Archimedes, the city of Ústí nad Labem has organised several workshops focused on safe behaviour in traffic. The target audience were young drivers and potential future drivers on the one hand,  and elderly people that need to face traffic in the city on the other.

The workshops included presentations, discussions and competitions for young students. Safety brochures in an entertaining comic strip format, safety gadgets for elderly people such as anti-skid pads, reflexive accessories, pocket magnifying glasses with lights to be able to easily read timetables at public transport stations and other CIVITAS presents were distributed, as well. Two short TV spots summarising the workshops were produced: TV spot - young people TV spot - elderly people Brochures with information on safety for young drivers, safety for cyclists, safety for pedestrians and safety for public transport passengers are available, as well. The workshops were organised at the High School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, at retirement homes and at the Senior Club of Ústí nad Labem.



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