Public transport passes continue to make Utrecht accessible

CIVITAS Initiative

The special Public Transport Pass - Accessible Utrecht, was implemented in the framework of CIVITAS MIMOSA. The pass is so successful that it will be continued into 2011. On top of this, its scope will be expanded significantly. Around 3,700 less vehicles per day are on the road during rush hours and it's likely that this number will increase.

The co-operating parties for Accessible Utrecht decided to continue the special Public Transport Pass into 2011, offering commuters a viable alternative to traffic jams. The pass, a measure within CIVITAS MIMOSA, was developed to mitigate the effects on city accessibility resulting from large scale construction works in the city centre and on the highways surrounding Utrecht. Employers in Utrecht purchase the daily commuting pass for an attractive price for its employees who can then use the bus, train and public bicycles for free. To date, over 400 companies have bought more than 22,000 PT-passes, demonstrating the need and successful uptake for the initiative. Given that further infrastructural projects are on the horizon, companies had called for the scheme to be continued. As a result of the large number of passes issued, there are currently approximately 3,700 less vehicles per day on the road during rush hours. This information is based on research showing that around 40% of the PT-pass owners are - or rather were - full time car drivers who now use the pass two to five times a week.As with all successful programmes, constant adaption to market and infrastructural demands is essential. With this in mind, Accessible Utrecht, and the Public Transport Pass is to be enlarged to include more outer routes, extending the beneficial ripple effect from the city centre to throughout the entire province. So in 2011, even more employers and employees from the entire city region can participate in this successful initiative.



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