Public consultation on the future of the EU transport policy

CIVITAS Initiative

The European Commission recently launched an open consultation on the future development of the urban dimension of EU transport policy. 

The EC wishes to explore with the public and all other relevant stakeholders on how best to contribute with targeted EU-level action to high-quality and sustainable urban transport and mobility for all users in the 27 EU Member States. All European cities and relevant stakeholders are welcome to contribute and send their opinion by filling out an online questionnaire, or by sending contributions to the email address MOVE-APUM [at] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu by 17 December 2012.  The consultation was launched by Siim Kallas at the Urban Transport Conference on 17 September, which marked the 10th anniversary of the CIVITAS Initiative. It pays considerable attention to the initiatives on integrated urban mobility as put forward in the Transport White Paper, including Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, Access Restriction Schemes, including urban road user charging, and urban logistics. For more information, visit:

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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