Provide your input: the Clean Vehicles Directive is being revised

The European Commission (DG MOVE) has recently launched a study to undertake an ex-post evaluation of Directive 2009/33/EC on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles (also known as the ‘Clean Vehicle Directive’ or CVD).

The European Commission (DG MOVE) has recently launched a study to undertake an ex-post evaluation of Directive 2009/33/EC on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles (also known as the ‘Clean Vehicle Directive’ or CVD).

The general objective of this study is to provide a clear, evidence-based assessment of the impacts of the Directive as it currently stands, and an assessment of whether the Directive is the most effective and appropriate choice with respect to achieving EU-wide objectives and contribute to better policy-making in Europe.

The EU Directive available in different European languages can be found here. This legislation has been transposed into national law.

As part of the evaluation, the consultancies Ricardo-AEA and TEPR, which are in charge of the review, are also undertaking extensive stakeholder engagement with public organisations who have procured road transport vehicles since the start of 2012 (when most EU Member States had transposed the Directive) via an online survey available in six languages:







The deadline for filling in this questionnaire is Friday, 24th April 2015.

For any further questions please contact CVD [at] ricardo-aea [dot] com.

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