President of the EC Barroso praises CIVITAS at Covenant of Mayors Ceremony

CIVITAS Initiative

Mobility was one of the topics mentioned at the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony in Brussels (Belgium), on 4 May 2010. President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, discussed the important role of mayors, describing them as the “essence and spirit of the EU”.

With more than 500 towns and cities signing the declaration during the ceremony, the event was an opportunity to welcome the newest signatories of the Covenant. The number of Covenant signatories has now risen to 1,680. Barroso spoke of how the Commission is also doing its part to highlight the role of these mayors and cities in various ways, one being mobility initiatives. “EU research programmes are increasingly targeted to match the long-term needs of cities. In this context, the successful experience of the CONCERTO and CIVITAS Initiatives will be reinforced in the future.”The full speech is available here. For more information on the Covenant of Mayors, visit

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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