Participation levels in 2019 EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK revealed


The annual event has been running since 2002 and participation levels hav been steadily increasing over the years.

The 2019 campaign saw an incredible 3,135 towns and cities taking part by holding events and implementing initiatives to encourage safe walking and cycling in their areas.

EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK encouraged people to ‘Walk with us’ to promote safer, healthier and cleaner transport.

In 2019, a total of 17 countries broke their previous participation records and 1,374 towns and cities organised car-free days.

The number of permanent measures implemented was more than double 2018 levels with 15,613 permanent measures implemented in 2019 compared to 6,765 in 2018.

For more information about the campaign visit the dedicated EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK website.

The Participation Report which gives a full analysis of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2019 is also available in full, online.

Author: Richard Adams

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