Outdoor Awareness Campaign in Coimbra

CIVITAS Initiative

The local dissemination team in Coimbra has organised an outdoor awareness campaign during the Day of the Children with the objective of giving visibility to the changes occurring in the local Public Transport.

On 1 June, MODERN organised an Outdoor Campaign which has mobilised around 20 social and cultural animator students. The goal of the initiative was to give visibility to the several measures that have been introduced in Coimbra’s Public Transports and make the citizens aware about the use of Public Transport. The initiative has been integrated in the International Day of Children, in the Parque Verde - located in a green area near the River Mondego - and saw the participation of hundreds of children, parents and teachers. The campaign focused on the following key message: “better, more ecological, safer and easier to use public transports will be available in Coimbra”. The dissemination strategy included the distribution of Communication Material, the identification of an Image for the Project and direct contact with the population in order to make citizens aware about Public Transport use. Once again, the support of the Local Authorities and political decision makers has been demonstrated through the presence in the initiative of the Mayor of Coimbra.



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