Monza's Pedibus takes off

CIVITAS Initiative

The Walking Bus Route (Pedibus) has now taken off in four schools in Monza, Buonarroti, Citterio, Manzoni and Omero. For this year the service will go from 11 April 2011 until the end of the school year in June. It will start again when school resumes in September.

During the Archilabs, aimed at the participatory design of School Travel Plans, 10 routes were planned together with the pupils, their parents and teachers. Thanks to ARCHIMEDES they have studied their territory and neighborhoods to plan the routes, and also participated in promoting the initiative. Most of all, they learned that walking to school is fun and good for their health, for their city and for the environment.The numbers:Schools involved: 4Active walking bus routes: 10 Pupils registered: 140Parents and granparents involved: 50The CO2 Emission Reduction Estimate is 580kg.

Author: Simonetta Vittoria



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