Monza's pedestrians in the fast lane

CIVITAS Initiative

Among the nine measures planned in the city of Monza there is also the design and implementation of Walking Bus lines. The design of these lines will be done during participatory workshops (Archilabs) that will be held with the children of the five schools involved (Citterio, Buonarroti, Manzoni, Omero, San Alessandro).

These schools have already organised several dissemination activities, such as the annual participation in the Walk to School Day, with many other planned for the next weeks and months. In spring 2010 extraordinary Walking Buses will be organised in association with the national campaign Siamo tutti pedoni, We are all pedestrians The campaign is in its third year and aims to draw attention to pedestrian safety, as well as the pleasure and benefits of pedestrian mobility. Monza will participate in the national event on 15 April. The campaign will continue in the following days and weeks with extraordinary Walking buses (20-22 April and 19-23 May 2010).During this time the Municipality together with the association CREDA onlus re will organise games on road safety for all classrooms involved in the event. At the end of the game children will receive a kind of rule book containing 10 short rules and guidelines on how to walk safely on the road.



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