MODERN Project at Annual Trade Fair CIC in Coimbra

CIVITAS Initiative

On 21- 22 July, the CIVITAS MODERN Project participated in the Annual Trade Fair CIC, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Coimbra in the Parque da Canção located on the left bank of Mondego River.

During the Annual Trade Fair, the MODERN Project organised a Campaign to give visibility to the several measures of the project and to encourage Coimbra’s population to use more and more the public transports, by showing them the benefits of this behavior.The public transport company SMTUC placed a trolleybus in the fair ground and people were invited to visit the space, read the information and watch a video about the project.The campaign focused on the following key message: better, more ecological, safer and easier to use public transports will be available in Coimbra. Once again, the support of the Local Authorities and political decision makers was highlighted by the presence of the Mayor of Coimbra.

Author: Margarida Redinha




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