Mobility Managers Board in Potenza

CIVITAS Initiative

After the appointment of Mobility Managers, the first MM Board started to work on topics related to mobility and sustainability.

All organizations involved in Smile actions (public agencies, local hospital and university) appointed their own Mobility Manager. According to the Italian decree Sustainable Mobility in urban areas, they will manage all mobility issues regarding employees, in particular home-to-work trips, always holding to the principle of sustainability. Within Smile, they will be first recipients of training activities, implement information campaign towards employees and transfer needs in terms of mobility to the public authorities. Mobility Managers started to work jointly, under the direction of the Transport Councillor and the Area Mobility Manager, during the first session of the MM Board. In the next months, as Smile activities enhance and other Municipality initiatives start, the MM Board will work harder to reach Smile objectives.

Author: Giovanni Mazzeo



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