MIMOSA Transferability Measure Auction!

CIVITAS Initiative

Which MIMOSA measures can be implemented in other cities? This central question reflects a major goal of the CIVITAS INITIATIVE: Identifying innovative mobility solutions and analysing their relevance for transferal to other European cities.

With this in mind, the Technical University of Berlin as MIMOSA evaluation group (PEM), has developed a half day ‘MIMOSA Measure Auction’ at the next MIMOSA Consortium meeting in Bologna in May 2012. The concept is set around creating a marketplace-like scenario where MIMOSA cities sell and purchase their most successful solutions. They can sell their city measures with a poster presentation and in turn can buy other city measures deemed transferable with virtual MIMOSA money. Since many measures contain several features, the MIMOSA approach also includes the possibility to spotlight transfer-worthy measure features. Other participants involved in developing the workshop include the dissemination group Interactions and Velomondial along with the MIMOSA cities themselves. Guidelines are offered to help cities identify the most suitable measures for implementation in other cities. Prior to the workshop, the cities will select up to three measures and/or features which they consider to have high potential to be bought by other cities. Criteria include the excellence of a measure’s outcome or the similarity of transport conditions in origin and target cities. This selection process will be under the direction of the PEM. After the workshop, the results and the workshop format will be analysed and summarised in a short report. This will be the final outcome of the MIMOSA Topics and Issues activities. MIMOSA participants have enjoyed developing the process and are looking forward to seeing what MIMOSA measures really have what it takes to be the most transferable.

Author: Dziekan Katrin

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