MIMOSA to publish CIVITAS Evaluation Manual

CIVITAS Initiative

Why is it important to conduct an evaluation if a project is running successfully and everything seems fine? Surprisingly, this question pops up often at city level evaluation. The answer is ironically the same one that drives us to learn about what went wrong from unsuccessful pilot measures.

Evaluation, good or bad is an everyday task for everyone, for instance choosing which type of bread to buy! But in the context of transport projects, the number of variables and stakeholders increase and turns the evaluation task into something rather complex. In recognition of this, the MIMOSA project evaluation managers are proposing a joint deliverable with POINTER to produce an evaluation handbook. Its aim is first to demonstrate that evaluation is a useful task and that it can be done by everybody. Second, to give hands on advice on how to evaluate measures aimed at sustainable mobility. Examples from MIMOSA and other CIVITAS projects will be used as teaching examples. All chapters will be richly illustrated with examples from CIVITAS (MIMOSA) and references for further reading will allow for a deeper knowledge of the process. The handbook, with a maximum of 200 pages, will provide a quick overview of the requirements for good evaluation of CIVITAS-like measures. The target groups for this handbook will be mobility staff in European cities, mobility agencies, transport authorities and all people involved in CIVITAS evaluation. Based on the vast experience from former CIVITAS projects combined with detailed knowledge from CIVITAS MIMOSA, this joint proposal MIMOSA-POINTER will be included in the third amendment in the MIMOSA project. Berlin Institute of Technology (TUB) will be the principal partner for the new deliverable alongside POINTER with assistance from Vanguard on the layout.

Author: Dziekan Katrin

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