MIMOSA Integration Workshop 24 - 26 March 2009

CIVITAS Initiative

Have you ever had the experience of being in an EC consortium where it has taken about 2 years for the various teams to get to know each other? Many of us have, so we decided to do something about it and shorten the process. We are therefore holding our 1st Integration Workshop in Kippure, Ireland.

The venue is quite different from what you normally expect at a conference. Firstly the location is very remote in a relatively unpopulated area deep in the Wicklow Mountains. Kippure Estate is a purpose built holiday complex which specialises in team building and corporate events.Accommodation is in self-catering houses - these are basic but comfortable and we have ensured that each participant has his/her own bathroom. The first task will be for people to decide who shares with whom!Our agenda is very crowded: Day 1 will comprise active outdoor team building exercises in a fun and very beautiful environment in addition to indoor team work. On day 2 we split into functional working groups; Communications, Evaluation, Policy and Workpackage leaders. Each group will do some serious learning about their tasks and work together to produce a first draft of plans for their city. The third day will be plenary and will deal with Consortium wide issues and our plans for the future, how we plan to work together and the tools available.Interspersed with all this will be a good dose of Irish music, culture and craic!We will report on the outcome in the next newsletter.

Author: John Porter

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