MEISTER e-mobility business models presented at the CIVITAS Forum 2021

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On 20 October, the MEISTER project hosted the workshop "Testing innovative business models in electro-mobility in cities: experiences in a zero-emission transport system from European and CIVITAS projects MEISTER and GreenCharge" at the CIVITAS Forum 2021.

The event shared innovative business models and solutions for citizens, cities, operators and service providers, which will reduce costs for charging infrastructure deployment and facilitate the large-scale deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) in Europe.

This event was a unique opportunity to share the results from the three project pilot sites:

  • Málaga, which explores and tests the so-called "E-Carsharing in Municipal Fleet". The pilot strengthens the e-mobility aspects in the smart city context and the city Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), with special focus on collaborative models with suitable shared EVs. The first users are 38 employees of the Málaga City Council. More than 78’3 gCO2/km are expected to be saved per use.
  • Berlin tests two business models through MEISTER. The "E-Carsharing as a Housing Service" pilot provides tenants with e-smart mobility services (parking, charging, sharing), while the "Smart Park & Charge" aims – together with the Neighbourhood app – to supply an intelligent charging infrastructure solution to increase efficiency, utilisation and ease of use of e-mobility.
  • Last but not least, Stockholm will discuss its test of "Delivery of home care services with EVs". This pilot focuses on gathering user experiences from driving and charging, as well as the overall benefits and challenges for fleet managers.

The GreenCharge project joined MEISTER for the session, presenting the experiences of three of its pilot sites:

  • Barcelona discussed its pilot, which focuses particularly on L-category Electric Vehicles (LEVs). The pilot aims to foster the development of new mobility services in the form of an e-scooter sharing fleet.
  • Bremen presented its work, which focuses on combining the promotion of e-cars with car sharing, and on the use of stationary batteries to balance peak demand from charging stations.
  • Finally, Oslo shared insights from its work providing cost-efficient home charging facilities for inhabitants living in blocks of flats with limitations in the local grid.

Each of these cities is pushing forward the conversation on – and concrete implementation of – EVs across Europe. For more information, check out the MEISTER and GreenCharge projects.

Author: Raquel Castán Vidal




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