ITS and traffic management: new CIVITAS Policy Note now available

CIVITAS Initiative

This Policy Note addresses the topic of “urban Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and traffic management”, providing information and support on ITS for professionals working in or for European municipalities.

Accelerated by technology and ICT developments, the possibilities of using Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and traffic management in urban environments have increased substantially in the past decade. Managing urban traffic requires finding a balance between throughput, livability, safety and sustainability. As cities are expected to grow in the coming decades (leading to increased traffic demand), the challenge of managing traffic will increase, as space to develop road networks is often limited or non-existing. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and traffic management are instruments that enable operators of urban transport networks to manage traffic and transport to meet policy goals.

Under this context, the fourth Policy Note focuses on the topic “urban Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and traffic management”, with the objective of providing information about recent developments in ITS and traffic management, and support professionals working in or for European municipalities on the initial selection of ITS and traffic management measures to meet local conditions of mobility characteristics, challenges and policy goals.

Download the Policy Note “Intelligent Transport Systems and traffic management in urban areas”.


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