Inspiring CIVITAS stories and expert ideas for better urban mobility

CIVITAS Initiative

New CIVITAS publication presents case studies of measures and projects implemented within the last three years under the latest phase of the Initiative, CIVITAS PLUS II, and accompanied by two to three contributions per case study by members of different CIVITAS groups.

The CIVITAS Initiative brings together a diverse community of municipal staff, policy makers, non-governmental organisations, universities and research institutes, all of whom are working on the transition to more sustainable and innovative transport and mobility in Europe.

This enables a great deal of productive discussion, debate and learning on what this shift should look like and how it can be achieved. Through its support for testing, implementing and evaluating innovative mobility measures in cities across Europe in demonstration projects led by local governments, CIVITAS has also generated a wealth of case studies from participating cities, and guidance and policy advice on a number of transport and mobility topics.

This publication is a product of these two facets of CIVITAS together, presenting 10 case studies of measures and projects implemented within the last three years under the latest phase of the Initiative, CIVITAS PLUS II, and accompanied by two to three contributions per case study by members of different CIVITAS groups, such as the Thematic Groups, Advisory Groups, and National and Regional Networks (CIVINETs).

Download and read CIVITAS Voices and take inspiration from these case studies, consider the advice offered by the experts, and begin to plan measures or projects in your own cities.


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