Innovative, Practical and Applicable – the delegates’ view

The joint Quest and CIVINET LSTF workshop held in Birmingham on May 16 was very successful – more than 30 people attended – and overall there was a real sense that delegates had gained valuable experience from the day.

The workshop was aimed at local authority transport officers involved in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), including delivery of LTP, LIPs, LSTF projects and Smarter Travel activities. The day was chaired by Conrad Jones, Head of Sustainability, from Centro and included presentations from the DfT and other specialist guest speakers. Presenters illustrated points with case studies and offered plenty of opportunity to benchmark and share best practice. Delivery post March 2015 was a key theme of the day. During breakout sessions delegates discussed how best to monitor and evaluate the impact of small schemes, the delivery of LSTF schemes after March 2015 and how to engage with stakeholders and consumers. The next CIVINET UK and Ireland workshop is due to take place this autumn (details still to be confirmed) and the Fourth Annual Sustainable Mobility Convention is due to take place in spring 2014. For more information, please contact the CIVINET UK and Ireland Secretariat, Sarah Clifford at Transport & Travel Research Ltd civinet-uk-ireland [at] civitas [dot] eu or call +44 (0)20 7953 4069.For information about Quest please contact Samantha Jones at Transport & Travel Research Ltd sam [dot] jones [at] ttr-ltd [dot] com or call + 44 (0)1543 416 416

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