How to become a CIVITAS Forum member?

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Forum is open to all cities that want to learn more about the usefulness of individual measures that support clean urban transport, and the best ways to combine and integrate them on a large scale. Participating cities have to prove their political and technical commitments to introduce ambitious, integrated urban transport strategies.

Active participation in the CIVITAS Forum further requires that:A representative of your city attends CIVITAS Forum meetingsYou have a constructive and proactive approach to the distribution of information about the CIVITAS Initiative, at local and national levelsYou provide a paper that gives background information pertaining to your city and its transport policy. This paper should mention the categories of CIVITAS instruments and measures, and specify how they are being implemented and integrated in your city.Each city must commit itself to the introduction of an ambitious, sustainable urban transport policy. This commitment must be politically endorsed on the CIVITAS Forum Declaration by the signature of a local politician who has executive power (Councillor or (Vice) Mayor).Please click here for further information and for the Declaration-download.

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