Happy New Year from the CIVITAS team!

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Secretariat would like to wish you a wonderful New Year.

The past year has been one full of opportunity for shared learning between cities, through workshops and also notably through the 2010 CIVITAS Forum Conference held in Malmo, Sweden. The next Forum Conference will be held in Funchal, Portugal - we look forward to seeing you there!Keep up to date with the latest developments from CIVITAS through the quarterly MOVE newsletter: subscribe to the newsletter by clicking here. The latest issue, focusing on freight transport issues, was released in December. The CIVITAS website contains a wealth of information about the sustainable mobility activities undertaken by cities. Indeed, results from the mobility initiatives of participating cities are continuously released and updated on the CIVITAS website - we invite you to regularly consult the site to learn about the latest innovations and progress from CIVITAS cities.Thanks to your contributions, interest and cooperation, we have achieved substantial success in advancing sustainable mobility. We look forward to working with you in 2011.

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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