Ghent employees and citizens share cars

The city of Ghent has started a car sharing pilot for employees of the administrative office AC Portus and citizens living nearby. The city wants to understand financial and other advantages of this kind of car sharing system through this pilot.

The office block houses 350 employees of different departments. Occasionally, employees need a car for external meetings. The car sharing company and CIVITAS partner Cambio will provide two cars for employees, as well as for the inhabitants living in the vicinity of the office.   How will the scheme work in practice? After working hours and during weekends, both cars will be available for citizens living in the area. During office hours, one car will be reserved for employees to guarantee the required service. By the end of the year, an electric car will be added to the Cambio pool. This car will have a fixed place and a charging station on the premises of the AC Portus. Citizens will then have access to the parking lot of the Ghent administrative office.

Author: Lies Helsloot



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