Funding announced for first round of CIVINET activities

In what marks an exciting development, the various CIVITAS National Networks (CIVINETS) from around Europe have been granted their first round of activity funding.

Totalling just over 100,000 euros, the money being given out by the CIVINET Activity Fund will enable the ten CIVINETs and their members to undertake 44 activities from June 2017 – December 2018. These fall into four main categories:

Capacity building

These events will last either one or two days. In Italy, CIVINET Italia member Ferrara is due to host a 2-day workshop on sustainable commuting later this month. This will examine and aid members with the implementation of the European Commission’s 2016 Low Emission Mobility ‘Decarbonisation’ Strategy.

Meanwhile, CIVINET Polska plans to host a 1-day workshop on shared space in Lodz, Poland, in May 2018. Magyar CIVINET is also organising a series of capacity building events for Hungarian speakers.

Knowledge transfer and take-up

The exchange of experience and good practices between peers constitutes a crucial element of the planned activities. To encourage this, Networks will host study tours on specific measures for other members.

Two are already planned for October this year. CIVINET Slovenia, Croatia and South East Europe is hosting a tour in Ljubljana, while CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum will host a 2-day tour of Ulm, Darmstadt, and Speyer on multimodality and shared space solutions.

Promoting the CIVITAS message

Networks proposed ways in which to spread the word about CIVITAS, including promotional material in the local language, e-courses, and other learning materials. CIVINET's newest member, CIVINET Romania, is planning a suite of PR materials and a concerted social media campaign, whilst CIVITAS Nederland Vlaanderen wants to develop a series of 'info briefs' for members.

Such ideas will help bring CIVITAS, and indeed sustainable urban mobility, to a wider audience, as tailoring messages to local contexts lends them greater appeal.

Other activities and proposals

Networks will also engage in various awareness raising activities, including the attendance of third party events as speakers or participants. The general assemblies of several Networks are also being supported.

Tools and resources are also amongst the initiatives being backed. For instance, the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics is developing a database for good mobility practices within those countries.

For further information on these events or enquiries, please contact Jerome Simpson  JSimpson [at] rec [dot] org or Anna Ruban - ARuban [at] rec [dot] org">ARuban [at] rec [dot] org.

Author: Jerome Simpson

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