Freight in Bus Lane Plan for Norwich

CIVITAS Initiative

A select group of lorries heading into Norwich will be allowed to use a bus-cycle lane during congested periods as part of a move to cut freight deliveries into the city.

Members of the Norwich Highways Agency committee have backed plans to allow HGVs operating as part of a new freight consolidation centre to use the bus and cycle lane in Newmarket Road.Based off the A11 in Snetterton, the scheme is a tie-up between Norfolk County Council and Foulger transport aimed at encouraging firms, who would normally deliver direct into Norwich to place loads onto low emission vehicles for delivery into the city instead.The new six-month experiment would permit Foulger lorries to use the bus-cycle lane in Newmarket Road and the route through Castle Meadow and Red Lion Street during the morning and evening peak periods. Feedback from the experiment will be monitored as part of a consultation to gauge how successful it has been. It’s clear from initial consultation that there are some concerns from cyclists and residents; however the experimental scheme will allow these groups to see how the measure will work in the real life situation, with the knowledge that if there are any insurmountable issues that arise then the measures can easily be curtailed.

Author: Gavin Broad



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