Freight consolidation progress in Norwich

CIVITAS Initiative

Norwich’s Freight Consolidation Centre received a boost in April with the launch of the first vehicle to carry a special livery to promote the scheme. This is sponsored by Chapelfield, the city’s newest and largest shopping centre. The concept of urban freight consolidation is to provide facilities for deliveries to be made to a warehouse outside the city, where loads can be grouped together for onward delivery using low emission vehicles, thus reducing congestion and pollution in the city centre.

Norfolk County Council appointed logistics company Foulger Transport as their partner to develop and operate the consolidation centre from their warehouse on the A11 trunk road at Snetterton. CIVITAS is funding the employment of a development manager to work with Norwich businesses to identify and realise the benefits of consolidation, which include helping retailers to reduce stockholding in store. The first delivery from the consolidation centre was made in October 2007. Two customers are now using the service, with negotiations taking place with two more.The support of Chapelfield will help to raise awareness of the scheme and aid the recruitment of further customers. Sophie Hallett, marketing manager for Chapelfield said: “We have a commitment to supporting environmental projects in Norwich and understand how important it is for retailers to maximise their sales space. This project will give a reliable and flexible service for stock deliveries and reduce congestion which is good for everyone in the city whether working, living or visiting.”Tony Adams, Chairman of the Norwich Joint Highways Agency Committee(comprising members of Norfolk County and Norwich City councils), said: I am delighted that Chapelfield is supporting this initiative. We know that many city businesses will give the Consolidation Centre delivery service serious consideration when their current delivery arrangements come up for review.”

Author: Mike Payne



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