Forum '13 Report available

CIVITAS Initiative

A report summarising key facts and figures from the CIVITAS Forum Conference held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, in September 2012 is now available.

The report, available online, serves as the conference “proceedings” and summarises a variety of indicators related to participation and the main discussion points during the conference’s plenary, parallel and Politicians’ Forum sessions. It also provides an overview of the media coverage of the event. It also illustrates the variety of professions that participants represented. Participants attended the Forum to gather technical information and to identify best practices, as well as to network and make new contacts. The main conclusions of the conference, summarising the outputs of the technical and roundtable sessions, as well as the main outcomes of the Politicians’ Forum are presented. The report concludes by noting the strong interest from the media, and the resulting press coverage (26 news reports reached an estimated audience of 1,623,600 viewers and 9,134,870 listeners as well as 430,000 readers). The report was prepared by The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe with the contributions of municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz as well as CIVITAS VANGUARD partners: EUROCITIES, POLIS and communications agency, MOSTRA. To download the report, please click here. For more details, please contact the CIVITAS Secretariat.

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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