Feature your tool in the CIVITAS Tool Inventory!

A recent needs assessment among several hundred city representatives expressed a strong interest in a central database of practical tools related to sustainable mobility.

In response to this, CIVITAS SATELLITE and SUMPs-Up are creating a "Tool Inventory" to gather together these resources. It also represents a unique opportunity for their creators to have their ideas showcased on a Europe-wide platform.

The term "tool" is broad. It encompasses products, software, manuals, specific approaches or methods, indicator sets, guidelines, apps, participation techniques, and other things.

The inventory will be launched at the CIVITAS Forum conference in Torres Vedras, Portugal (27-29 September 2017) and will be widely promoted among cities from across Europe.

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to have your tool featured - simply fill out the form here by 14 July. If you need more time, please contact r [dot] brand [at] rupprecht-consult [dot] eu

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