Evaluation support for MIMOSA cities takes a step up

CIVITAS Initiative

As CIVITAS MIMOSA enters its fourth and final stage, most of the project’s measures are concluding their demonstration phase and are entering the final evaluation phase, one of the most critical aspects but potentially rewarding phases of the CIVITAS programme.

Evaluation is an important source of information for future decision making in the MIMOSA cities. To ensure the best possible quality evaluation of the MIMOSA measures, MIMOSA evaluation group at Technical University of Berlin is providing city-specific meetings and training to assist the cities. A visit by Utrecht’s Local Evaluation Manager in 2011 was followed by a visit from the Gdansk LEM in February 2012. Similarly, a member from TUB visited Funchal on-site to assist in collation. On the one hand, these face-to-face meetings strengthen cooperation between project participants. They also facilitate the introduction of newer members of the local evaluation team to the evaluation procedures thus contributing to a consolidation of the agreed objectives. Important successes achieved include Utrecht’s preliminary evaluation report on freight measures produced shortly after the Berlin meeting. During the visit by the local evaluation manager from Gdansk, the status of all Gdansk MIMOSA measures was tackled in the context of city specific challenges and solutions. With time drawing nearer for the final submission of results, pressure is increasing on all cities to deliver qualitative output. TU Berlin team members will continue to visit all MIMOSA cities during this last reporting phase ensuring continuity.

Author: Dziekan Katrin

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