Evaluation Report on the CIVITAS Forum 2006

CIVITAS Initiative

The Evaluation Report on the CIVITAS Forum 2006 is now available. The report is well facilitated and contains the pioneering outcomes of the CIVITAS Forum - like several speeches, abstracts of the workshops and roundtables as well as information about the Informal EU Funding Session with a special focus on the 2007 CIVITAS call.

Hosted by the city of Burgos (Spain) from 25 to 27 September, the CIVITAS Forum 2006 was attended by some 300 representatives from local and regional authorities, public transport companies, universities and consultancies as well as officials from four Directorate Generals of the European Commission and a representative from the Intelligent Energy Europe Agency. After the publication of the Mid-Term Review of the White Paper on Transport in June 2006 and the announcement of a Green Paper on Urban Transport for 2007, this Forum was a perfect occasion to start a very productive exchange of views between all institutional actors. Cities and stakeholders had the possibility to gather during ”rendez-vous” sessions where they could discuss future potential cooperation in order to improve their transport systems, or during ‘Roundtables’ where concrete transport issues were freely discussed amongst a small group of participants. 'From doing more to doing things better' was the general framework that accompanied the various plenary sessions, roundtables and workshop sessions. Participants were presented with successful transport strategies from all over Europe, such as the well known Stockholm congestion charging scheme, UK workplace travel planning schemes, or Spanish bicycle schemes, as well as insight on public transport priorities in China, and other transport solutions implemented in the United States and Canada. This document briefly reports on the main outcomes of the 2006 Forum, presenting the most significant highlights of the event:1. Informal EU funding session;2. First Plenary Session, the Parallel Workshops and Roundtables;3. Final Plenary Session;4. Political Event;5. 2006 CIVITAS Awards.Additionally, the document presents an overview of the impressions gathered by participants by providing an analysis of delegate feedbacks and annexes:6. Analysis of Delegate Feedback;7. Annexes. Please click here for downloadThe Evaluation Report on the CIVITAS Forum 2006

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