Europe is on the MOVE, you can be too

CIVITAS Initiative

MOVE, the CIVITAS Initiative’s quarterly newsletter, would like to invite experts from cities, public transport authorities and the research community to compose the lead article for the upcoming editions.

Authors will have the opportunity to see their name in MOVE, a newsletter which is distributed both in print and electronically, and reaches an audience of over 3,000. The topics for 2010 have already been chosen and cover a broad range of sustainable urban mobility related issues. The next and fourth issue of MOVE will be published in May and deals with the stimulation of collective transport and its integration with other modes. The fifth issue will be published in August and will examine demand management strategies, while the final issue of 2010 is released in November and will look at mobility management, marketing, information and education. If you have learned valuable lessons or gained useful insights into these topics through your participation in CIVITAS, this is the perfect opportunity for you to share them. Do you have good examples of piloting, technical knowledge and a background in urban mobility? Then you could be just the person we are looking for.Authors will be given clear guidelines from the MOVE editors, including the theme, a word count, examples of the writing style the publication employs and help with sourcing the accompanying images. The author will have four weeks to write the story and the MOVE editors will be available to give comments and support during this time.If you are interested in writing a lead article for one of the themes mentioned above, please contact Ciara Leonard.

Author: Ciara Leonard

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