Electric/hybrid electric vehicles prove popular in La Rochelle

CIVITAS Initiative

In response to the growing interest of local authorities and companies in implementing less polluting transport solutions, the Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (AVERE France), held in La Rochelle a national workshop on electric and hybrid vehicles on 29 November 2007, with the support of CIVITAS-SUCCESS.

This event to which 150 participants attended (professionals, mayors, researchers, engineers, teachers, associations etc) enabled to present concrete solutions proposed by electric/hybrid transportation.In the morning, round tables were proposed to tackle some of the key aspects of the electric and electric hybrid technology: management of electric vehicles dedicated to passenger or goods transportation; regulations existing in the French concerned cities; presentation of the different car-sharing services using electric vehicles etc.The Urban Community of La Rochelle took part to the discussions by presenting its strategy on electric vehicles in its public transport fleet, including projects related to CIVITAS-SUCCESS:-Deployment of a new car sharing fleet in La Rochelle, based on the LISELEC electric car sharing system-Improvements on the La Rochelle electric Goods Delivery Service-Experimentation on hybrid minibuses between the Jean Moulin Park and Ride and La Rochelle city centre.During the afternoon, exhibitors invited the participants to test themselves different vehicles, notably the ones experimented in La Rochelle within SUCCESS.



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