Deadline extended for CIVITAS Forum 2019 Host Call

The call deadline for cities to host the CIVITAS Forum Conference in 2019 has been extended! European cities interested in applying are invited to do so by 28 May 2018.

The Conference is the annual flagship event of the CIVITAS Forum Network of cities and Europe's premier sustainable  urban mobility conference.

Hosting it offers a city an excellent opportunity to showcase and share its successes and achievements in the field of clean and sustainable urban transport. With high media interest and the presence of high-ranking politicians, a city has the chance to place itself on the international map.

Each conference attracts over 400 participants, who form a diverse community of policymakers, city representatives, academics, and practitioners.

The CIVITAS Forum Conference takes place each year between September and October. The 2019 conference will be the 18th edition, following fora hosted by cities as diverse as Torres Vedras, Ljubljana, Casablanca, Malmö, and Kaunas.

The CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee (PAC), INEA, and DG MOVE are involved in the review of applications against the criteria outlined in the guidance document and the decision about the selected city. The winner will be announced on 21 September at the closing session of the CIVITAS Forum 2018 in Umeå  (Sweden).

Cities that have submitted applications in previous years and were unsuccessful are encouraged to apply again this year.

The guidance document below provides background information that all applicants should be read prior to submission of an application.

Send your application via email to the CIVITAS Secretariat: secretariat [at] civitas [dot] eu">secretariat [at] civitas [dot] eu with “Application for hosting the 2019 CIVITAS Forum Conference” written in the subject line.

The new deadline for applications is Monday 28 May 2018.



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