Croatian public transport companies learn about CIVITAS

CIVITAS Initiative

A number of representatives from Croation pubic trabsport companies met in Osijek on 9 June for a presentation on CIVITAS ELAN. Dubravko Baričević and Branko Mikinac from ZET, who participated in the meeting, used the opportunity to inform the colleagues about CIVITAS ELAN activities in Zagreb.

Several participants have shown the interest to present the project and its achievements in more detail to stakeholders in their respective towns. The first presentation will be most probably in Rijeka. The gathering held in June was important because of several conclusions that emerged and that are in line with some of the CIVITAS ELAN activities. For example the necessity to adjust Croatian regulations with the EU's when it comes to public transport, dedicated work with young public transport users in order to stop vandalism in public transport, general modernisation of public transport and parallel – the tram grid.



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