Council employee bike scheme in Bologna

CIVITAS Initiative

Bologna City Council has launched an innovative and proactive employee Bike Scheme. 100 sheltered, guarded and dedicated racks along with free electric charge points located close to the workplace have been made available for council employees. Furthermore, a discounted price on electric bikes for council employees has been negotiated with a bike supplier involved in social issues.

Now council employees who bike to work, have parking closer to the work building, protection against bad weather conditions and safety guaranteed by the guard personnel. This combined with the opportunity to buy electric bikes at a convenient price, will encourage more employees to use the bike instead of cars or motorbikes run on fossil fuels. At the launch day, employees were given the opportunity to try out a selection of electric bike models available to buy at a special price as well as use the battery charges and reserved wall plugs. A help desk was set up to provide information to employees on the initiative as well as other smarter ways offered by the council to travel to work. Information on how Bologna City Council is working with CIVITAS and Mimosa was also made available for employees to read through. This initiative now forms an important part of Bologna City Council’s Mobility Management strategy. It also underlines the Council’s commitment to promoting sustainable mobility on home to work journeys for its employees.

Author: Mauro Borioni



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