Complete a survey to share your insights on New & Shared Mobility Services

The GEMINI project, which collaborates with the CIVITAS Initiative, wants to hear from you! Complete a survey by 18 October to help identify and assess key information regarding both (1) technological drivers, and (2) key societal goals of shared mobility.
To shape the future of shared mobility services, the GEMINI project needs direct input from all involved stakeholders: mobility providers, researchers, technology providers, municipalities, public bodies and citizens. As such, the project – through efforts led by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – has designed a survey to support the design of innovative business models for shared mobility.
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete, and can be completed online using the following link:Â
All are invited to fill in the survey, and thereby to contribute to accelerating progress towards climate neutrality by promoting (shared) green mobility. Furthermore, filling in the survey will help contribute insights on the concept of New & Shared Mobility Service (NMS).
Author: GEMINI Project Dissemination Manager