Climate-KIC’s award-winning Climathon programme opens for 2016

CIVITAS Initiative

Climate-KIC is looking for cities around the world to join the Climathon movement on 28th October 2016.

Climathon brings together together the challenges of the world’s cities with the people who have the passion and ability to solve them. Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change event which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 28 October 2016.

The challenge
Each city sets up its own local climate change challenge reflecting what impacts their urban life most. These challenges include urban planning, infrastructure, housing and water/waste removal, use of city satellite data etc.Participants can come along with a pre-existing idea and work with a team to develop this during the 24 hours, or can develop an idea on the day. After 24 intense hours of collaboration, excitement and solution-finding, the best idea in each city will be selected by a jury consisting of relevant local stakeholders.

For more information click here.

Author: Orsolya Barna

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