CIVITAS Study Tour Programme updated

CIVITAS Initiative

To stimulate exchange between current and former CIVITAS demonstration cities, VANGUARD has expanded the Study Tour Programme developed for CIVITAS Plus to include CIVITAS I and II cities.

Besides the 18 CIVITAS Plus municipalities already featured in previous editions of the Study Tour Catalogue, the 2012 publication also includes cities from almost all CIVITAS I and II collaborative projects. Through this addition, VANGUARD hopes to provide local authorities currently developing measures with some valuable examples of how former CIVITAS demonstration cities have ensured the perennity of their projects. If you are interested in learning from another CIVITAS demonstration city, please have a look at the study tour offer in the first section of the Resource Pack and use the study tour request form to contact them. Cities that want to host a study tour focusing on successful local measures with a high transferability potential are invited to fill in the study tour host template and send it to Denisa Naidin.


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