CIVITAS FORUM CONFERENCE 2010, 27-29 September 2010, Malmö - Registration is still open

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Secretariat hereby announces that the online registration for the 2010 Annual CIVITAS Forum Conference is still open until 15 September. The Conference will be hosted by the city of Malmö in Sweden from 27-29 September.

Malmö is the ideal location for the exchange of ideas and experiences and for witnessing best practice examples, on site. The Forum Conference itself is a valuable opportunity for the exchange of results generated through the implementation and evaluation of urban mobility measures between cities and European politicians on the one hand, and experts in the field of urban mobility on the other. For more information on the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2010 in Malmö, and the preliminary programme, please proceed to the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2010 website.Queries for further information can be submitted to the CIVITAS Secretariat via secretariat [at] civitas [dot] eu.

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