CIVINET UK & Ireland endorsed in UK White Paper

Yesterday, the UK Department for Transport published the Coalition Government’s White Paper on Local Transport, and bidding guidance for the ‘Local Sustainable Transport Fund’. The CIVINET UK & Ireland Network - the Local Authority Network for Sustainable Transport - is referenced on page 33 of the White Paper \Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon - Making Sustainable Local Transport Happen\.

Norman Baker (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport) addressed the House of Commons yesterday saying, “This White Paper sets out how we can encourage the uptake of more sustainable modes at local level, and the unprecedented £560 million we have allocated in our new ‘Local Sustainable Transport Fund’ will support this. Our commitment to helping local authorities with this vital agenda is reaffirmed by the amount of money we are making available.“The Local Sustainable Transport Fund forms part of a wider picture of more streamlined and simplified funding to local authorities. This will give local authorities more power and flexibility to meet local transport needs.”CIVINET UK & Ireland is a membership network that meets regularly and shares best practice on tackling congestion and climate change, and improving health and air quality. Moreover, the network provides help to local authorities in accessing funding advice and solving transport problems. Norman Baker addressed delegates at a recent CIVINET UK & Ireland event, “You are already ahead of the game, by engaging voluntarily in CIVINET to share best practice on reducing congestion and carbon emissions and improving health and air quality you’ve taken a lead and set an example that I hope other regions and local authorities will follow.”More information can be found at the CIVINET UK & Ireland website: or by contacting Alastair Byers on 0117 907 6520.

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