Cities across Europe to celebrate European Mobility Week

CIVITAS Initiative

Many CIVITAS cities are participating in European Mobility Week 2009, which is taking place on 16-22 September 2009. European Mobility Week is an annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility, aiming to encourage local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures and to invite their citizens to try out alternatives to car use. This year‘s edition focuses on Improving City Climates.

A busy week of activities dedicated to sustainable mobility, is organised in more than 2000 urban areas, with Car Free Day on 22 September the highlight of the week. European Mobility Week is an opportunity for cities to initiate a range of activities representing a platform for local authorities as well as for organisations and associations to promote their existing policies, initiatives and best practices. Citizens can learn about the damages that current urban mobility trends inflict on the environment and are encouraged to walk, cycle or use public transport. While local governments have the perfect opportunity to launch new long term policies and permanent measures. For more information, contact Peter Staelens at peter [dot] staelens [at] eurocities [dot] eu.


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