Car-Sharing Workshop in Bremen (CIVITAS CATALIST)

CIVITAS Initiative

The City of Bremen, home to meanwhile more than 5000 car-sharing customers, invited to a training workshop on “How to successfully build and run Car-Sharing services”. The event took place from 8 - 9 September 2009, giving theoretical background and on-site practical information.

Audience members from Poland, Greece, Belgium, Serbia and Germany were given a brief introduction (Michael Glotz-Richter) to the role of car-sharing for strategies of sustainable urban transport. Bremen's CIVITAS experience shows that about 1,000 private cars are being replaced by the Car-Sharing service, which relieves the urban environment and transport situation. Five speakers then provided in depth information about how to successfully start-up and operate Car-Sharing services. Willi Loose from the German Car-Sharing Association (bcs) discussed the European development of Car-Sharing. Pau Noy spoke about Car-Sharing development in Barcelona, David van Kesteren showed the success story of Car-Sharing in Belgium and Joachim Schwarz reported of the variety of Car-Sharing and business background represented in the company “cambio”. Roy Traue then summed up the necessary elements of Car-Sharing marketing. Discussions revolved around potential markets and market potential and future developments in urban mobility like e.g. the use of electric vehicles in Car-Sharing. Other issues were “how to initiate and support Car-Sharing for the new EU-member states” and what basic mobility culture is needed to build up and develop Car-Sharing.Please click here to download:AgendaWorkshop presentations will be available soon

Author: Michael Glotz-Richter and Thomas Kirpal

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