Call for speaker contributions to the CIVITAS Forum 2010 - Deadline extended: 1st June, 2010

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Forum Conference Secretariat hereby invites proposals from speakers interested in contributing to one or more of the eight technical sessions of the CIVITAS Forum Annual Conference 2010. The conference, hosted by the City of Malmö between 27 - 29 September, 2010, will be the eighth such annual event, following fora previously hosted in Krakow, Bologna, Kaunas, Burgos, Nantes, Rotterdam and Graz where the series started in 2003.

The CIVITAS Forum Conference is an annual event which serves as an opportunity for the exchange of dialogue and views between CIVITAS Forum city network representatives and European politicians on the one hand, and experts in the field of urban mobility on the other. Typically around 400 persons attend the event, considered the leading annual European conference in the field of clean and sustainable urban transport. The titles and scope of each of the envisaged eight technical sessions are detailed within the “Call for Speaker Contributions to the CIVITAS Forum Conference Technical Sessions,” part of our Guidelines and Proposal Form which can be downloaded here. Each technical session will last for 90 minutes. Up to 80 participants are anticipated per session. Session conclusions will feed into the Conference’s final plenary session: Sharing Sustainable Urban Mobility Innovation. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please complete our Proposal Form with details about yourself and your envisaged presentation and send it to: Forum [dot] Contributions [at] civitas [dot] eu. NB: Contributions from those not involved in CIVITAS to date are warmly encouraged.Your proposal should reach us no later than 1 June, 2010! Speakers can also submit their proposals via fax to:The CIVITAS Forum Conference Secretariatc/o The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), Ady Endre út 9-11, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary Tel: +(36-26) 504-000 (ext. 313) Fax: +(36-26) 311-294The conference programme committee, which consists of the leading organisers and the EC will evaluate proposals and invite successful speakers by 14 June, with a view to publishing the first full conference programme by 5 July. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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