Call for proposals still open for CIVITAS Plus II

CIVITAS Initiative

The European Commission published its call for proposals for CIVITAS Plus II, the latest phase of the EU’s biggest initiative in support of innovations in sustainable urban transport. The call comes under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).

The call, available here, has a total indicative budget of EUR 18 million and will support two collaborative, city-led projects and a smaller project to provide coordination and support. Applications must be in by 5 p.m. (Brussels time) 12 April 2011.As in previous iterations of the CIVITAS Initiative, the city-led collaborative projects must involve consortia of at least three legal entities from EU member or accession states and should include “leading” and “learning” cities. The support and coordination project must involve three legal entities from member or accession countries, as well. In both cases, a good geographic spread is required.Further information can be found from pages 61 to 66 of the Sustainable Surface Transport Work Programme for 2011, available for download here. Details on implementation can be found in Section III.2.4 on pages 131-132. Click here to download the expressions of interest received by the CIVITAS Secretariat to date.Frequently Asked Questions have recently been published on the Commission's Cordis website here.Downloads: WORK PROGRAMME

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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