CALL for CIVITAS Activity Fund OPEN<br> - Preparatory and Follow Up Activities

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Initiative seeks to inspire cities and towns interested in achieving more sustainable, clean and energy efficient urban transport systems, by implementing and showcasing ambitious sets of technology and policy based measures. In doing so, CIVITAS does not only fund large-scale demonstration activities (i.e. the CIVITAS I, II and PLUS projects) but also small-scale projects that are meant to stimulate the exchange of ideas, expertise and concrete actions in the field of urban sustainable mobility.

Funding opportunities for small-scale projects is now being made available through a dedicated CIVITAS Activity Fund, which will regularly open Calls for Applications. The fund seeks to enable the exchange and/or transfer of experiences between the CIVITAS Cities and other cities interested in CIVITAS’ integrated approach to sustainable mobility. The CIVITAS Activity Fund’s fifth Call is now open. The deadline for applications is January 18, 2011.The range of activities eligible for funding includes:Studies (e.g. feasibility studies, surveys, evaluation);Conferences, site visits, workshops and seminars.Additional activities may be accepted when considered relevant and contribute to the future take-up of CIVITAS-like measures. Costs incurred by applicants will be reimbursed by up to 50%. Applications are welcomed from interested cities (typically public authorities, agencies and transport operators), and can be assisted in preparing their applications by the intended host cities. More information on the CIVITAS Activity Fund, eligibility rules, procedures and application forms can be obtained from the CIVITAS web site or may be requested from:ISIS - Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei SistemiMs Loredana MARMORAVia Flaminia, 2100196 RomeITALYPhone: +39.06.3212655Fax: +39.063213049

Author: Loredana MARMORA

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