CALL for CIVITAS Activity Fund OPEN<br>- Exchange Staff Activities

CIVITAS Initiative

The CIVITAS Initiative encourages the exchange and/or transfer of experiences between cities involved in the CIVITAS I and II phases of the Initiative and cities with a keen interest in an integrated approach to sustainable mobility. To facilitate this process, an exchange programme is hereby launched, enabling interested cities to second staff members to a host CIVITAS city. This aims to support the transfer of knowledge and expertise in a hands-on environment.

Host cities will be forerunners and well-experienced in one or more of the eight thematic categories of sustainable transport characteristic of CIVITAS, and which can be considered a source of inspiration to others. Host cities include Berlin, Bremen, Bristol, Bucharest, Genoa, Göteborg, Graz, Kaunas, Krakow, Nantes, Rome, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Toulouse. Candidates should apply for a placement within one host city alone.Funding is available to support exchange staff through a dedicated CIVITAS Activity Fund, which will regularly open Calls for Applications. The current deadline for applications is September 13, 2010.In preparing your proposal, applicants should liaise with the envisaged host city to coordinate and illustrate the envisaged activities, venues, staff composition, timescale and budget. Please keep in mind the following conditions:Co-funding: the visiting costs incurred by the applicants will be reimbursed up to 50%Applying staff: a maximum of five persons (managers, technicians, or even politicians) per interested city may apply;Duration: secondments should last for a maximum of 10 working days.Applications are welcomed from interested cities (typically public authorities, agencies and transport operators), and can be assisted in preparing their applications by the intended host cities (Thematic Groups and their Contact Points).More information on the CIVITAS Activity Fund, eligibility rules, procedures and application forms can be obtained from the CIVITAS website or may be requested from:ISIS - Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei SistemiMs Loredana MARMORAVia Flaminia, 2100196 RomeITALYPhone: +39.06.3212655Fax: +39.063213049

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