Call for applications extended to join CIVITAS Mobility Match sessions

People sitting around table

Image from Unsplash, Leon

Mobility practitioners and city planning staff from European countries are invited to apply to participate in the CIVITAS Mobility Match sessions.

The sessions are designed to provide mobility-related professionals with added knowledge and tools from the CIVITAS Tool Inventory, which currently contains over 230 materials designed to aid local authorities in regards to mobility planning.

To develop the most relevant sessions possible,  participants have the opportunity to select their thematic areas of choice in the application form. This includes thematic areas like car-independent lifestyles, clean fuels and vehicles, urban freight logistics, and more.

Sessions are designed to be small, gathering representatives from 3-5 cities. During a session, cities will be walked through how to apply relevant tools that are needed by local planning authorities to develop and implement high-quality Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

The call for applications has been extended until 9 April 2021! Participation is free!

If there are any questions concerning the Mobility Match sessions, please contact: elma [dot] meskovic [at] iclei [dot] org

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